Sunday, July 29, 2007

29 July 2007

Greetings beloved Lightworkers! We are the IGCT!

Tonight we will talk of the beautiful Web of Light that is currently growing on your planet. We commend all of you who are maintaining and expanding your light, clearing your own dark spots and holding to your centres during these challenging times. We see that until the September period (when there will be much energy shifting rapidly), you will be enjoying a rest time. Many of you are wondering why the energies do not seem to be moving and are feeling a sense of lassitude.

Now we would encourage you to enjoy this break, for you are not stuck or stagnant, but BE-ing! As this is an uncommon state for many of you, you are thinking that you are not making progress! We assure you that you have refined your Lights and are connecting telepathically with all others who desire to bring peace and love to the Earth, and are forming and strengthening the Web of Light that surrounds your world. So, we tell you that much of your work during July and continuing in August consists in refining yourselves and surrendering to your inner Source of Light. Thus, you will connect with all those throughout your plane and in the dimensions beyond that are dedicated to living with a higher purpose.

We see that some of you have been endlessly clearing, yet if you will look closely at this current period, you will see that you have subtly changed your thoughts and actions, and that much that bothered or concerned or frustrated you in the past is no longer a difficulty. It is like one of your kaleidoscopes – at first all pieces appear to be in a chaotic jumble, but when you continue to turn the barrel, voila! The pieces suddenly converge into a beautiful ordered pattern.

Therefore, do not despair, because you are turning the barrel of your kaleidoscope but the beautiful pattern has not emerged yet. That is all. As you know, the pattern exists within the device, so it is there – simply keep turning it slowly and it will manifest. The pieces are your intentions and the pattern your manifested reality. The kaleidoscope itself is, of course, your own consciousness. And yes, something must exist within your consciousness before you can create it – using our example, the pieces must be within the kaleidoscope in order to create the design.

We know that many, many more of you are relaxing and basking in your own Lights and trusting your Selves and the Source. At this time, we encourage you to bask and shine your Light – for astrologically you are in the Leo period, or the Season of the Sun, and it is the best time for you to create and play and embrace Who You Are.

Know that for the month of August, the planetary energies are somewhat quieter, as the planet Venus is retrograde, or appears to be going backwards from your vantage point. As Venus is the “love” planet, it is a good time for you to contemplate and strengthen the connection with your inner selves (we mean this in the multidimensional sense as well). There are many of you who will find that you remember past sojourns on Venus during this period, and that you connect with the feeling of love and warmth that is prominent on that planet. This will inspire you to create the same sense of love and acceptance on the Earth plane, invoking change in your expressions of love for all of life.

We remind you that you are all shining brightly and that all is in harmony and Divine order. Keep up your physical strength and health and enjoy this relaxation period, for the month of the Harvest (September) will bring this current ascension cycle to an end and most of you will be busy with planning for the new beginning at the start of the new year. It will be an exciting time, as you find that you are more centred within yourselves and are connecting more clearly with those of your soul group and the larger group of Lightworkers around the globe.

We see that many of you have also been connecting more closely with your earthly families, even if you were not close during your early years, or have been separated philosophically and spiritually from them. This has been puzzling to some of you, and we tell you that your earthly families are providing you with the chance to demonstrate your love and compassion NOW. Know also that until the end of the year, many of those near and dear to you on your plane will be choosing to return Home to continue their work with the shift from Spirit-side. Therefore, if you are sensing that a loved one may be leaving soon, we encourage you to remain strong, yet know that you have the opportunity to clear and create closeness with them before they leave.

Many channellers have spoken of the radical physical and social changes that are fast approaching, and we have said that after the harvest period there will be many earth changes. Just as a thunder storm clears the air, so these changes will cleanse the planet and allow for more Light. We will speak more about this as the time for great changes approaches, and provide guidance on how best to live with the seeming chaos. For now, we encourage you to rest and bask in the Light, which will strengthen the Web of Light around the Earth. Know that all of your efforts are building the new world of Light and peace. Love yourselves and shine your Lights!

Love is the Absolute Harmonic! We Are All One!

Go now in peace and love!

© 2007 by IGCT

Sunday, July 15, 2007

15 July 2007

Good evening blessed Lightworkers! We are the IGCT.

We see that many of you are restless this month, owing to the high energies that have been infusing your planet recently. You have done such extensive work on yourselves, and many of you are eager to get on with your purpose and experience the joy that you know is yours. It is not that you are not making the best of every moment, but we see that many of you are feeling the deep sense of longing to BE who you know you are, and understanding that there is still much to be done in the outer plane before you will see a consensus among the majority to create the society that will support your growth in every way.

By this we mean that many of you have awakened and would choose to do whatever it is that brings you passion – basically, having the same freedom and sense of play that you had as children – and yet the world is not yet at the point where you can forget material concerns completely and concentrate on that which is fulfilling for you. This is the shift of the energies – that it will allow you to create consensus and collectively manifest a society where all barriers to your knowledge of Source are removed, and you know yourselves and each other only as Love and part of All That Is. In fact, each of you do know this internally, and are simply seeking the courage to BE and to celebrate all other aspects of the Source, knowing that We Are All One.

We see that there are many of you who are still working with strong energies for clearing, and are becoming somewhat weary. Not from the effort, but from the extended sense of forward movement and then more processing. Taking “two steps forward and one step back,” as you would say. Some of you have become very discouraged by seeing movement and improvement in the lives of those around you, and are wondering if your clearing will ever be complete enough for you to partake of the same blessings that you see in your fellows. To those of you yet in this stage, we offer the highest love and encouragement, for yours is the toughest work!

You came here with the intent of clearing a wide path with a brilliant Light – so bright that those after cannot miss it, yet this requires the deepest sense of clearing and self-evaluation. Understand that this path is never undertaken by those of faint heart! On the contrary, this requires the utmost courage, for many of you with this path have been experiencing extreme loneliness, isolation, and simple longing for those dimensions that are familiar, which you call Home. You “Keepers of the Vision” have often been ignored or despised for your knowledge of the divinity of the human race and have been mocked as idealistic.

To you we would counsel, “Keep on!” Very soon, during the last quarter of your current year, you will find that the way opens for all to see the vision of a renewed Earth and to understand that it does not need to be a struggle to create a planet that is a blessing to all. We see that many of you will be joined from Spirit by angels and enlightened Beings who will encourage you, and as well, you will find those of like mind miraculously appearing in your circle and connecting with you on very deep levels. Remember that there are always “equal and opposite reactions” on your plane, and that those of you who are yet experiencing hardship or delays in manifesting your dreams, are those who can experience the most exquisite joy! We would tease you now and call this the “Law of the Highs and Lows,” and we do not mean weather forecasting!

If you think of waves, be it ocean waves or electromagnetic waves, there are always the peaks and troughs. So, if you are at a peak, be of support to those still in the troughs, and for those still in the troughs, know that you will reach your peak at the perfect moment for you. That you will reach it is without question! We are ever assisting you, and know that your moment will come when you will fully know of your passion and service and that you will shine!

We would speak briefly of the current intention to spend an hour meditating on July 17th, at whatever time zone you inhabit. Know that this is a valuable service to yourself and humanity to spend time focusing on Love and the higher energies. We would say however, that it will not subtract from the energy if you do not participate at this exact time! It is commendable to contribute to the Light in this manner, yet for many, this will not be possible or practical, and we would remind you that it is your sincere daily intention to live in the Light and your actions that will bring about the New Earth. The Source knows the desires of your heart, and we tell you that the safety and growth of the planet are not based on participating in specific events, but on the quality of your Light and life. Therefore, participate if you feel it is resonating with you, but do not feel that you are not contributing if you do not.

We will say that you do not have to do or be anything in particular to be of One Mind, One Heart, and One Intention. We say this because we have seen many become very discouraged by “rules and regulations” of Ascension and have sometimes been subject to blame by those who do not understand your process. It is not theirs to understand. There are no rules or regulations or specific practices that will bring you to knowledge of yourself and enlightenment. Simply connecting with your heart and following your highest guidance – from within yourself – is all that is necessary!

We leave you with this thought, that you know of the highest within your inner Being, and that you will find that the shifting energies are assisting you to access your full joy!

We Are All One!

Go now in peace and love!

© 2007 by IGCT

Sunday, June 24, 2007

24 June 2007

Good evening beloved Lightworkers! We are the IGCT!

This evening we would speak with you about magic. Many of you are familiar with the concept that all on the earth plane is ‘illusion’ and that all that you see and experience is not as you believe. While you are on the earth plane it is necessary that you consent on the physical level that the ‘illusion’ of your temporary home is your ‘reality,’ or life as you know it would be dull indeed and you would spend your days imprisoned in the longing for your true Home.

We see that many of you have awakened over the past few years and that you are aware of the illusory nature of the earth plane, yet enjoying your experiences there, knowing that they give you the opportunity to fully know yourselves. Now, we are encouraging you to relax and enjoy the ‘reality’ of your home away from Home, and the magic of creation. We have seen that many of you are yet perplexed by the notion and responsibility of being the magicians, or creators, of your own experiences, for you understand this intellectually and spiritually, but your ‘reality’ would convince you that you are in a ‘solid’ world that is not of your own making.

A master magician will never reveal the secrets of his or her illusions, and closely guard their techniques of magic. Now the magic of which we speak is the awareness of your own power to create, which you will discover and connect with more deeply during the coming months. You have recently passed the solstice, which is a gateway of power and growth and will find that the Light is increasing throughout the earth plane in the next few weeks. Many of you will find that you feel refreshed and renewed and will experience great changes in your outer circumstances.

The energies are very strong at this time, and we do see some residual clearing, yet know that you have reached the end of this period. Can you sense the new energies and directions? The magic that you have created over the past few years with your steady determination to remain in the Light and work through all that was holding you bound is bursting forth in a stream of manifestation. We promise you that you will witness and experience great changes in the collective consciousness over the summer months.

At this time we recommend that you continue your meditations and prayers, and draw on your own strengths and talents to open fully to your own magic and knowledge of your abilities as co-creators of your ‘reality’ on the earth plane. We do not suggest that you believe in yourselves – but KNOW yourselves as the Lights that you are.

Connect with each other, talk with each other, be of One Mind, One Heart, and One Intention. You are the creators of and witnesses to a magnificent shift of energies at this time.

Remember that we love you and are with you always, all ways.

Go now in peace and love!

© 2007 by IGCT

Monday, June 11, 2007

11 June 2007

Good evening beloved Lightworkers! We are the IGCT!

We are gathered here this evening to share our vision of your bright future on Earth with you. We see that many of you have been very busy with earth-plane concerns of a practical nature, and that you are bringing more Light into your daily lives because you are now integrating the higher energies.

Some of you have been concerned that you are “forgetting” about your spirituality, yet we assure you that you are simply living in the Light and focusing on your physical surroundings and connections – as you are meant to do. We have said that Ascension is not escapism, and by reconnecting more strongly with your earthly life, you will now be able to create the changes for which you have longed! This is the purpose of the shifting energies – to enable you to envision an era of peace and prosperity and harmony, and then to build it from the collective blueprint that you have designed in your minds!

Every builder must have a blueprint, and the shifting energies allowed many of you across all nations to awaken and come to know your true nature. Now it is time to gather the materials and enlist the workers so that you may create your “heaven on earth.” It is your physical efforts that will effect the changes that you have desired. And each of you has chosen a portion of the work that you will carry out. Do not be concerned if you are yet uncertain of your specific task – for just as a building is erected in stages, so, too, your part will be made known from your Higher Self as you reach the stage where it is time for you to contribute.

Now we would say a few words regarding the idea that is prevalent at this time that the earth is raising in vibration and that you will all “ascend.” We tell you that this is not so! This is what we mean when we say that ascension is not escapism. Know that the earth plane is your home, and that you elected to incarnate there in order to awaken and create Paradise! When in spirit, you know only Love, and you choose to leave so that you can experience yourself fully. As such, it is necessary that there is duality – for there would be little to learn and experience otherwise, and there would be no point in leaving spirit!

How you choose to organize your earth life, in personal and collective terms, is another matter. You can choose to demonstrate the lowest vibration and create discord or you can choose to demonstrate the highest in your nature and live in harmony. That is the choice that you are individually and collectively making each moment. Awakening reminds you that living in the Light creates harmony naturally, and it is then easier to think of your fellow man with the same Love that you know of when you are in spirit.

Therefore, know that the grounded feelings that you are experiencing are a reconnection with the Earth and a preparation for the work that you will do to help establish the world of Light of which you dream.

We see that you are connecting telepathically with all of those around the world whose hearts are intent on building a better world, as you know that the Earth is a gift from the Source to you. From spirit, we see that many changes will occur over the summer period and that you are preparing to establish new institutions and ways of living that will benefit all.

We do see that there will still be those who will attempt to oppose you, as that is also human nature, and not all have awakened. Yet know that they will find it increasingly difficult to operate if they are not in the Light, or have the highest interest in the good of All.

Prepare yourselves physically in the next while for the tasks that you will do shortly to create the changes on the earth plane. We will be practical for a moment and remind you that nothing was ever accomplished by dreams and talk alone. Therefore, rejoice in knowing you have a part to play in the rebuilding, and maintain your Light.

We love each one of you, and are always available to provide assistance when it is needed. Ask and ye shall receive. Know that you are loved and protected, and that we are most grateful to see the brave souls who are on the Earth at this time and re-establishing the world of Light. You are shining brightly!

Go now in peace!

© 2007 by IGCT

Sunday, June 3, 2007

3 June 2007

Good morning beloved Lightworkers! We are the IGCT!

Greetings to All. We would speak now of your Eternal nature and encourage you to contemplate and embrace your highest Light. By this we do not mean for you to examine your multidimensional Self, but to go beyond this to the soul level and open up to the fullness and richness of your own Divine Being. You are so much more than the personality and characteristics that you portray on the earth plane, and the time is NOW to explore and embrace the true extent of your Being.

You are an essential part of the Ascension process and your internal coding has led you on this journey and to this place of full awakening! Rejoice! For you will experience many miracles of your own creation in the coming months!

When you elected to return to Earth, you chose those characteristics from among all your qualities that would assist you in completing your clearing and healing so that you would be ready to participate in the Ascension. Until your awakening, you were working in accord with your Higher Self on the plan that you had chosen for your earth life – voluntarily restricting yourself by selecting the particular qualities that would allow you to complete your life mission. We tell you that you are now operating from a higher purpose, and therefore, are in a state of Light whereby you can more easily access and embrace all of your Divine qualities – for you possess All, being part of the Source.

Know that you are at the place in your journey where it is easier to remember Who You Are and understand that you have the full creative power of the Source with you.

NOW you are free to choose consciously how you choose your life to BE!

We will end this message today, as we encourage you to first meditate on these words, and more importantly – to choose to experience your understanding and demonstrate to yourself this coming week that you remember and know Who You Are, which is Love!

Go now in peace!

© 2007 by IGCT

Sunday, May 27, 2007

27 May 2007

Good afternoon blessed Lightworkers!

We greet you this day with love and compassion, knowing that many of you are growing in the Light yet still clearing lower vibrations and energies from your lives. With this, we do not mean to sound gloomy, for all is well and we see numerous bright Lights and beautiful rainbows of colour from Spirit side!

We simply encourage you to be joyous and celebrate your accomplishments at this time. Is May not your month of graduation? We tell you that many of you have graduated, in the sense that you have gained the victory over the lower energies that you have carried for so long, and are about to expand in new and exciting directions.

Now, we see that some of you are still experiencing difficulty in specific areas, and we would address these, to give you hope and to commend your efforts to face the issues “head-on,” so to speak. Each beloved one of you had come to this earth plane with an issue or two to resolve, and some were very eager and decided to tackle many areas at once! Know that before you return to earth the Council will meet with you and offer suggestions regarding the amount of clearing that you choose to do, however – you always have “veto power,” as you would say. We have great respect and love for the sovereignty of each spirit and do not interfere or “nay-say” your decisions. As with a good and trusted friend, we will review your intentions with you so that you realize “what you are getting yourself into,” so to speak!

We will say that the most prominent areas of your lives are being affected by the shifting energies, and this includes yourself, career, relocation, health, relationships (including friendships), and finances. Throughout the past several years, most of you have encountered difficulties in one or more of these areas and have had extreme hardships with some of your situations and circumstances. We assure you that you are dealing with these issues in an enlightened way and that they have emerged so that you may clear them and know that you have the ability to choose differently! If the difficulties did not emerge, you would have lost a great opportunity to see your own inner strength and capabilities. Now, we realize that when you are in the midst of difficult circumstances, this is not evident – however, know from your Inner Being that it is so.

We will discuss these individually, yet know that if you have difficulties in an area (or several) it does not indicate that you are not in the Light or that you are not making progress. We caution you to be tolerant of each other and remember that you are each at the perfect place in your journeys at this time.

Yourself – By this we mean that some of you are being very hard on yourselves, owing to guilt from strict religious upbringings, and we see many of you struggling to discern the truth of Who You Are through all of the societal and institutional programming. This is not only your inner programming that you are dissolving, but many of you are also facing those outside who would reinforce the beliefs that you are working to change. We encourage you to keep on, for you will know of your connection with Source and All That Is, and will soon feel the welcome relief of knowing Who You Are.

Career – We would also call this “Purpose,” for not all of you are corporate ladder-climbers, so to speak. We are lovingly teasing you at this point and do not intend to offend those who are here to lead by serving at the head of many organizations. We speak of those who are dissatisfied with their lives and who have not remembered how they have come to serve. Know that all forms of service are valuable when performed from the heart centre. Therefore, honour those who tend the next generation of children, or who clean the office buildings, as much as the CEOs. Neither form of service is more valuable than another. Ask your Higher Self to remind you through your heart centre of the service that would bring YOU the most joy, and thereby you will know what you have chosen to do. We know that you are multitalented Beings and are sometimes uncertain which form of service would suit, given that you have many talents and interests. If you listen to your heart, however, it will provide the answer of which would bring you most pleasure – thereby contributing to the Light in the world.

Relocation – Ah! We know that many of you will be nodding your heads in agreement with this one! As you are here with a chosen purpose, so, too, did you choose a location that would bring you the most joy and would feel like “Home.” There are many of you who have sensed that you will relocate, and yet cannot state where you would go. We remind you that your Higher Self knows your destination, and it is best to simply listen. You will anchor the Light in the new location, and if you have not yet moved, it is only because it is not yet time. In some cases, the new location is not ready for you! For example, the job you need may not be available yet. Have faith that you will get where you are going!

Health – This is a very important area for some of you, and even for those in good health, the shift has brought some disruption as minor ailments have surfaced. We recommend that you attend to your diet and exercise programs, and ensure that you are drinking enough water. This is very important for moving the energy within the body, which will also move the toxins out. Now, many of the current health issues are owing to the increasing vibration as you re-calibrate your bodies, yet we recommend that you visit a health professional if you are in doubt about a condition, and do not simply assign it to the shift. Many shift symptoms are very like certain medical conditions (for example, hot flashes which are usually associated with menopause, or heart palpitations, which could be associated with heart conditions) and so we advise medical check-ups if you need them. The higher vibrating energies are agitating many of your existing medical problems in an effort to clear them and allow you to fully align with your Lightbody – which is free of disease and is perfect. Some of you are already experimenting with Reverse Aging, as we call it, and will see the results over the next few years as your energy increases and you feel more youthful.

Relationships – This is a very prominent concern for most of you, as you seek your Sacred Partner. We will not speak too much of this today, for it deserves its own message. Simply know that if you have asked for your Divine Partner, you will be with him or her in the near future. Continue to work on yourself and live your life to the best of your ability, and you will connect with your beloved. We will assure those who are connecting with their beloved on the spirit level but have not yet met in person, that it is not your imagination, and you will still meet. There has been some concern about this, for many are “seeing” and “conversing telepathically” with their Sacred Partner on the etheric plane and have been wondering if it is simply a guide. We tell you that it is not, but that it is your partner. So continue to visualize the type of life you would like to share with each other.

Finances – This is the largest area of difficulty for most of you, as you have many, many, many false beliefs about money to work through. We will not describe them all, as you are quite familiar with the most common, being “Money is the root of all evil,” “Spiritual people are poor and humble,” and so forth. Know that as you work these beliefs out of your energy fields, your financial circumstances will improve greatly. Money is simply another form of energy, and as you remember how to work with energy, you will remember how to work with money. Many of you have changed jobs or lost jobs or no longer wish to work in fields that you dislike, and you are determining how to live by doing what you love best. At this time, you are also struggling against an economic infrastructure that does not support the masses in their choice to do what they love. This is being reformed, and we can only encourage you to do what you love, for that will hasten the economic reformation.

We have provided you some ideas about your areas of difficulties this day, and trust that this brings hope and a renewed sense of commitment to yourselves! Know that you need only ask for our assistance and it is provided. We love you and commend you and are with you always, all ways.

We Are All One.

Go now in peace and have a joyous day!

© 2007 by IGCT

Monday, May 21, 2007

21 May 2007

Hello everyone!

My sincere apologies for being so late with the IGCT message! I have had a very busy month with many changes and had to close down my company website where I posted the IGCT Weekly message, and create this new space! Aside from the other pressing tasks that I needed to do, the guides were reminding me that they had messages to bring forth - so I searched around and found that I could create a blog for their offerings. Thanks for your patience! We are all experiencing some rapidly changing energies and are adapting on the fly.


Love & Light,


Greetings to all Lightworkers! We are the IGCT!

In these times of rapid changes, we see that many of you are stressed and struggling to adapt to the higher energies and to stay centred in the Light. We know that many of you are wondering when the pace will slow down so that you may "catch your breath," so to speak, and we will say that the changes will occur at an ever increasing speed. Therefore, we encourage you to make small rest breaks for yourself if you require them.

Know that you are ready for the changes and the increasing Light. We see that you have continued to work on yourselves and align with your Lightbodies, and are simply learning to BE and connect with your inner selves. Old patterns are still being cleared while you are also creating new paths for yourselves, and this has caused the "roller coaster" sensation that many are experiencing. Now we will say that you are all exactly where you need to be in your journeys, so rejoice in how far you have come. If you are still clearing matters from the past, know that this will come to an end by the beginning of the summer and you will experience an increase of Light and Freedom.

Today you have entered the last sign of the spring season - Gemini - and we see that you will connect more easily with your multidimensional nature. Gemini is the sign of the Twins, and many of you will meet up with your twin soul, or twin flame partner during this time. This is as you choose it to BE. As Gemini is also concerned with gathering and processing information rapidly, know that you will access higher levels of your own souls, and that you will encounter many Beings from other dimensions with whom to exchange your learning. We see that you will process information instantly and will not need to analyze it. This will occur because you understand it.

We will liken this to dancing on your plane, for many of you love to dance and enjoy the rhythms of the music and learn the steps easily. Others take a little more time to sense the beat and allow their feet to move of their own accord. Such it is with humanity. Some of you are finding your beat more quickly and are finding the tempo of the music increasing and are able to continue with the quickening pace. Others of you are still enjoying the waltz! All is well, and we commend you for continuing with the dance!

Know that the tension between remaining grounded and staying connected with Spirit is rising somewhat until the end of June, as you are transcending polarization and integrating both. As we have seen, your biggest challenge is to acknowledge and live your highest truth while manifesting it in practical applications on the earth plane. Many of you will continue transforming old patterns and beliefs and making changes in your relationships, work situations, locations, and health matters. When you are ready, we see that you will expand your horizons and seek to share your learning in service to humanity and the Source. This is a natural movement of energy that occurs when you have cleared all old energies.

We view your progress with love and remind you that we are here to assist you when you ask. You are living through interesting times, and all who are on the earth plane at this time have chosen to bring the Light to your world. Therefore, it is natural to assist and encourage each other!

At this time, do your best to eat well and rest as much as possible, and make any changes that your Inner Being suggests through your intuition that would bring you benefit. Trust yourselves, for your souls have planned your journey well, and you know what you are doing! We do see that some of you are feeling a little overwhelmed by the many changes that are occurring, and we recommend that you take time out, if this occurs. Nature is very supportive of your changes and will refresh you when you feel that you have been working hard.

Remember that we love you and are with you always, all ways.

Go now in peace!

(C) 2007 by IGCT