Sunday, June 3, 2007

3 June 2007

Good morning beloved Lightworkers! We are the IGCT!

Greetings to All. We would speak now of your Eternal nature and encourage you to contemplate and embrace your highest Light. By this we do not mean for you to examine your multidimensional Self, but to go beyond this to the soul level and open up to the fullness and richness of your own Divine Being. You are so much more than the personality and characteristics that you portray on the earth plane, and the time is NOW to explore and embrace the true extent of your Being.

You are an essential part of the Ascension process and your internal coding has led you on this journey and to this place of full awakening! Rejoice! For you will experience many miracles of your own creation in the coming months!

When you elected to return to Earth, you chose those characteristics from among all your qualities that would assist you in completing your clearing and healing so that you would be ready to participate in the Ascension. Until your awakening, you were working in accord with your Higher Self on the plan that you had chosen for your earth life – voluntarily restricting yourself by selecting the particular qualities that would allow you to complete your life mission. We tell you that you are now operating from a higher purpose, and therefore, are in a state of Light whereby you can more easily access and embrace all of your Divine qualities – for you possess All, being part of the Source.

Know that you are at the place in your journey where it is easier to remember Who You Are and understand that you have the full creative power of the Source with you.

NOW you are free to choose consciously how you choose your life to BE!

We will end this message today, as we encourage you to first meditate on these words, and more importantly – to choose to experience your understanding and demonstrate to yourself this coming week that you remember and know Who You Are, which is Love!

Go now in peace!

© 2007 by IGCT

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