Sunday, June 24, 2007

24 June 2007

Good evening beloved Lightworkers! We are the IGCT!

This evening we would speak with you about magic. Many of you are familiar with the concept that all on the earth plane is ‘illusion’ and that all that you see and experience is not as you believe. While you are on the earth plane it is necessary that you consent on the physical level that the ‘illusion’ of your temporary home is your ‘reality,’ or life as you know it would be dull indeed and you would spend your days imprisoned in the longing for your true Home.

We see that many of you have awakened over the past few years and that you are aware of the illusory nature of the earth plane, yet enjoying your experiences there, knowing that they give you the opportunity to fully know yourselves. Now, we are encouraging you to relax and enjoy the ‘reality’ of your home away from Home, and the magic of creation. We have seen that many of you are yet perplexed by the notion and responsibility of being the magicians, or creators, of your own experiences, for you understand this intellectually and spiritually, but your ‘reality’ would convince you that you are in a ‘solid’ world that is not of your own making.

A master magician will never reveal the secrets of his or her illusions, and closely guard their techniques of magic. Now the magic of which we speak is the awareness of your own power to create, which you will discover and connect with more deeply during the coming months. You have recently passed the solstice, which is a gateway of power and growth and will find that the Light is increasing throughout the earth plane in the next few weeks. Many of you will find that you feel refreshed and renewed and will experience great changes in your outer circumstances.

The energies are very strong at this time, and we do see some residual clearing, yet know that you have reached the end of this period. Can you sense the new energies and directions? The magic that you have created over the past few years with your steady determination to remain in the Light and work through all that was holding you bound is bursting forth in a stream of manifestation. We promise you that you will witness and experience great changes in the collective consciousness over the summer months.

At this time we recommend that you continue your meditations and prayers, and draw on your own strengths and talents to open fully to your own magic and knowledge of your abilities as co-creators of your ‘reality’ on the earth plane. We do not suggest that you believe in yourselves – but KNOW yourselves as the Lights that you are.

Connect with each other, talk with each other, be of One Mind, One Heart, and One Intention. You are the creators of and witnesses to a magnificent shift of energies at this time.

Remember that we love you and are with you always, all ways.

Go now in peace and love!

© 2007 by IGCT

Monday, June 11, 2007

11 June 2007

Good evening beloved Lightworkers! We are the IGCT!

We are gathered here this evening to share our vision of your bright future on Earth with you. We see that many of you have been very busy with earth-plane concerns of a practical nature, and that you are bringing more Light into your daily lives because you are now integrating the higher energies.

Some of you have been concerned that you are “forgetting” about your spirituality, yet we assure you that you are simply living in the Light and focusing on your physical surroundings and connections – as you are meant to do. We have said that Ascension is not escapism, and by reconnecting more strongly with your earthly life, you will now be able to create the changes for which you have longed! This is the purpose of the shifting energies – to enable you to envision an era of peace and prosperity and harmony, and then to build it from the collective blueprint that you have designed in your minds!

Every builder must have a blueprint, and the shifting energies allowed many of you across all nations to awaken and come to know your true nature. Now it is time to gather the materials and enlist the workers so that you may create your “heaven on earth.” It is your physical efforts that will effect the changes that you have desired. And each of you has chosen a portion of the work that you will carry out. Do not be concerned if you are yet uncertain of your specific task – for just as a building is erected in stages, so, too, your part will be made known from your Higher Self as you reach the stage where it is time for you to contribute.

Now we would say a few words regarding the idea that is prevalent at this time that the earth is raising in vibration and that you will all “ascend.” We tell you that this is not so! This is what we mean when we say that ascension is not escapism. Know that the earth plane is your home, and that you elected to incarnate there in order to awaken and create Paradise! When in spirit, you know only Love, and you choose to leave so that you can experience yourself fully. As such, it is necessary that there is duality – for there would be little to learn and experience otherwise, and there would be no point in leaving spirit!

How you choose to organize your earth life, in personal and collective terms, is another matter. You can choose to demonstrate the lowest vibration and create discord or you can choose to demonstrate the highest in your nature and live in harmony. That is the choice that you are individually and collectively making each moment. Awakening reminds you that living in the Light creates harmony naturally, and it is then easier to think of your fellow man with the same Love that you know of when you are in spirit.

Therefore, know that the grounded feelings that you are experiencing are a reconnection with the Earth and a preparation for the work that you will do to help establish the world of Light of which you dream.

We see that you are connecting telepathically with all of those around the world whose hearts are intent on building a better world, as you know that the Earth is a gift from the Source to you. From spirit, we see that many changes will occur over the summer period and that you are preparing to establish new institutions and ways of living that will benefit all.

We do see that there will still be those who will attempt to oppose you, as that is also human nature, and not all have awakened. Yet know that they will find it increasingly difficult to operate if they are not in the Light, or have the highest interest in the good of All.

Prepare yourselves physically in the next while for the tasks that you will do shortly to create the changes on the earth plane. We will be practical for a moment and remind you that nothing was ever accomplished by dreams and talk alone. Therefore, rejoice in knowing you have a part to play in the rebuilding, and maintain your Light.

We love each one of you, and are always available to provide assistance when it is needed. Ask and ye shall receive. Know that you are loved and protected, and that we are most grateful to see the brave souls who are on the Earth at this time and re-establishing the world of Light. You are shining brightly!

Go now in peace!

© 2007 by IGCT

Sunday, June 3, 2007

3 June 2007

Good morning beloved Lightworkers! We are the IGCT!

Greetings to All. We would speak now of your Eternal nature and encourage you to contemplate and embrace your highest Light. By this we do not mean for you to examine your multidimensional Self, but to go beyond this to the soul level and open up to the fullness and richness of your own Divine Being. You are so much more than the personality and characteristics that you portray on the earth plane, and the time is NOW to explore and embrace the true extent of your Being.

You are an essential part of the Ascension process and your internal coding has led you on this journey and to this place of full awakening! Rejoice! For you will experience many miracles of your own creation in the coming months!

When you elected to return to Earth, you chose those characteristics from among all your qualities that would assist you in completing your clearing and healing so that you would be ready to participate in the Ascension. Until your awakening, you were working in accord with your Higher Self on the plan that you had chosen for your earth life – voluntarily restricting yourself by selecting the particular qualities that would allow you to complete your life mission. We tell you that you are now operating from a higher purpose, and therefore, are in a state of Light whereby you can more easily access and embrace all of your Divine qualities – for you possess All, being part of the Source.

Know that you are at the place in your journey where it is easier to remember Who You Are and understand that you have the full creative power of the Source with you.

NOW you are free to choose consciously how you choose your life to BE!

We will end this message today, as we encourage you to first meditate on these words, and more importantly – to choose to experience your understanding and demonstrate to yourself this coming week that you remember and know Who You Are, which is Love!

Go now in peace!

© 2007 by IGCT