Sunday, June 24, 2007

24 June 2007

Good evening beloved Lightworkers! We are the IGCT!

This evening we would speak with you about magic. Many of you are familiar with the concept that all on the earth plane is ‘illusion’ and that all that you see and experience is not as you believe. While you are on the earth plane it is necessary that you consent on the physical level that the ‘illusion’ of your temporary home is your ‘reality,’ or life as you know it would be dull indeed and you would spend your days imprisoned in the longing for your true Home.

We see that many of you have awakened over the past few years and that you are aware of the illusory nature of the earth plane, yet enjoying your experiences there, knowing that they give you the opportunity to fully know yourselves. Now, we are encouraging you to relax and enjoy the ‘reality’ of your home away from Home, and the magic of creation. We have seen that many of you are yet perplexed by the notion and responsibility of being the magicians, or creators, of your own experiences, for you understand this intellectually and spiritually, but your ‘reality’ would convince you that you are in a ‘solid’ world that is not of your own making.

A master magician will never reveal the secrets of his or her illusions, and closely guard their techniques of magic. Now the magic of which we speak is the awareness of your own power to create, which you will discover and connect with more deeply during the coming months. You have recently passed the solstice, which is a gateway of power and growth and will find that the Light is increasing throughout the earth plane in the next few weeks. Many of you will find that you feel refreshed and renewed and will experience great changes in your outer circumstances.

The energies are very strong at this time, and we do see some residual clearing, yet know that you have reached the end of this period. Can you sense the new energies and directions? The magic that you have created over the past few years with your steady determination to remain in the Light and work through all that was holding you bound is bursting forth in a stream of manifestation. We promise you that you will witness and experience great changes in the collective consciousness over the summer months.

At this time we recommend that you continue your meditations and prayers, and draw on your own strengths and talents to open fully to your own magic and knowledge of your abilities as co-creators of your ‘reality’ on the earth plane. We do not suggest that you believe in yourselves – but KNOW yourselves as the Lights that you are.

Connect with each other, talk with each other, be of One Mind, One Heart, and One Intention. You are the creators of and witnesses to a magnificent shift of energies at this time.

Remember that we love you and are with you always, all ways.

Go now in peace and love!

© 2007 by IGCT

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