Thursday, November 19, 2009

15 November 2009

Greetings Beloved Lightworkers! We are the IGCT!

Tonight we resume our channelling, which our channel had stopped for a time while she took care of other matters in her life. And now we say that this has been a trial period for many of you, and in the past two years you have done much clearing and felt bound to remove yourselves from society to prepare for the next wave of transformation to come.

Many, many of you have been required by outer circumstances to leave the spiritual activities aside while you attend to earthly responsibilities, and given the state of the world economically, this is necessary at this time. As you know and have witnessed, your institutions and governments have proven themselves to be obstacles to the Light as the drive for power and control has increased enormously to the detriment of humanity in general, and the numbers of people who were to awaken have not been as large as originally anticipated. Because of economic necessity, many who are holistic practitioners, intuitive readers, stonekeepers, or guides and teachers of conscious awareness have of necessity left your callings to return to the mainstream, as those who were to require your assistance have resisted the shift.

Despite this gloomy report, we have good news! Many of you have been called to new forms of service, which are much more suitable and many of you will return to your earlier work, for we see that the coming year will bring incredible change on the personal and global scales, and as Lightworkers who have experienced the energy shifts and “graduated,” so to speak, you will again be called to service as your wisdom will be much required. That path is for those of you who choose to assist those who are “catching up,” for the shifts occurring need each one of you to come to the knowledge of your true nature as empowered Beings.

Now, others of you have been called to creative forms of service and have awakened your passion and artistic natures. Know then that art, music, literature, and all forms of beauty will be required as a counterbalance to the disruption and chaos that will result from your institutional breakdown. This has already begun and will continue into the next year. Many talk of 2012 as an end point and global shift, yet we see that the coming year is truly more pivotal and will determine the outcome of the effort to awaken all to the consciousness and concept of Oneness. We see that unless all who are on the earth plane learn to work together and understand that true service means serving others because it serves the One, of which you are part, there will be much struggle and discord – rather than the “heaven on earth” that each of you came here to create.

We did not intend to be downcast, but remind each of you that you know Who You Are, and to remain empowered and think for yourselves in these troublesome times ahead. We call them troublesome, for those in power at this time and the large corporations have taken much control over your lives and without the awareness of such, it will be difficult if not impossible to stop them and bring the peace and harmony to the earth plane that you wish to have.

We see that many of you are shining brightly in spite of the difficulties you encounter, and are learning to live with trust – trust in yourselves and the creative force inside that guides you. Listen to your own voices, for you are connected with your internal “knowing” and this will keep you in the new energies. These new energies are of high vibration and at this frequency there is no fear, and all that you choose to manifest is almost instant, or very rapid at least. We say that you will know that you are on your path when you see your own creativity take flight and have a sense of confidence and empowerment and responsibility only for yourselves.

At this point, all those of your soul group who are attuned to your vibration will emerge in your lives, and those who are not will leave. We see this occurring frequently now – more so than in the past few years. Now, many, many of you will be meeting up with your Twin Souls – that special individual who is the perfect reflection of yourself. We have spoken of this before, but the time is NOW for Divine Partnerships to come forth. Old partnerships, based on material needs, emotional needs, comfort and safety, have fulfilled their purposes and will end. Understand that this does not mean that they “failed,” but that the purpose for which they existed has been served.

The Divine Partnerships are not based on need of any kind, but of choice between two like-minded individuals who have come together for a higher purpose and to experience passion and joy and abundance and perform specific service to humanity, of which they will be aware. Know with these partnerships that all energies will flow smoothly and there will be none of the discord associated with earthly unions. The Divine Partnership is the union of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine, first within yourself. As you experience your own wholeness, you will meet your Twin Soul, who is not the “completion” of yourself, but your Divine Masculine or Divine Feminine made visible in human form. Therefore, when you meet your Twin Soul you will know it intuitively, for it will be as if you are meeting and seeing yourself.

We see that many of these partnerships have begun to emerge last year and will continue into 2010. The Divine Partnerships carry a great deal of energy and are blessings to those involved as well as humanity. These partnerships were agreed to before you entered the earth plane and are for the purpose of service to humanity as well as personal enjoyment and bliss.

Now we say to all of you that we love you and are part of you, as part of the One Source. Know that if you ask, you will have all the assistance you need in creating and performing your tasks in the Light. We remind you that you are all at exactly the place that you need to be at this time – at your soul’s behest. Therefore support each other and do not judge those who are experiencing difficulties, but awaken your compassion. This truly will bring the “heaven on earth” that collectively you desire!

Go now in peace!

© 2009 IGCT

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