Sunday, November 29, 2009

29 November 2009

Good Evening Blessed Lightworkers! We are the IGCT!

This week we will talk to you of Love and Unity Consciousness at the request of our channel, who apparently does not wish to hear more about Twin Souls this week. Before we oblige her however, we do have a few comments to make regarding this subject – for as we have said, it is extremely important in the coming year, for the purpose of these relationships is to elevate humanity and those who have chosen this form of Love and Service need to begin their work or move it forward. We still see that many of you in these relationships, or with these connections, are yet clearing up earthly bonds and preparing for your new lives. This is commendable, for it is beneficial for your own happiness to be with your Twin, and we say that the energy between Twins is of undeniably high vibration and it is vital that it manifest not only for yourselves but for the blessing of humanity. The example of truly joyous partnership is sorely needed on your plane and you chose this form of service and love before you entered this lifetime. Therefore, we remind all of you with these Twin Soul bonds to allow the energy and to trust! Trust is necessary, for we do see that the earthly ties and pulls and obligations are being perceived as obstacles and barriers to Love and preventing some of you from moving ahead with your new lives and Twin Soul partners.

Now, what we are calling “barriers to Love” are simply all the prejudices, judgments, excuses, and reasons for avoiding Love that you all fall prey to at one time or another. If you can train yourself to understand, or better yet, simply KNOW from your connection with your soul that We Are All One – meaning that we all, ALL – are from the same Source, then you will have made a start on removing the barriers to Love. When you can train yourself to know that what you do to another, you are doing to yourself, as part of the One, then you will treat yourselves and others with the respect you all deserve as part of the Source. If you can look at another and see yourself (which is the blessing of the Twin Soul bond), then you will have started to understand that you are not much different from each other and collectively you need to cooperate to manifest “heaven on earth.”

The desire of all Lightworkers – by which we mean all those who are consciously living with awareness and working to raise the vibration of humanity – is to recreate the love and joy and devotion that is present for all when you are Home, or in Spirit. Think not that your earthly body and personality is all that there is to you, for it is only the tiniest fraction of your soul, and individually and collectively you are far more powerful than you realize. Now, this is the power of the soul, not the ego. The soul does not misuse power, yet ego power is dominant on your plane at this time.

This is the purpose of the shifts, or shifting energies that are occurring – to awaken all to your own power in order to cooperate and live in harmony and balance among yourselves and with Mother Earth, your “home away from Home.” We recommend that you work to empower yourselves, yet understand that this does not mean that you enslave others in any way. Those who would do so are not working in the Light. We remind you that your highest intention is toward Unity and to this end, it is helpful to be of One Mind, One Heart, One Spirit, and One Intention.

Now this latter is what we are calling “Unity Consciousness,” which is that particular frame of mind and reference that understands and knows that We Are All One and that with intention, energy may be directed in a very powerful way, creating the changes that collectively you desire. Many of you have recently awakened to this consciousness and are wondering about your next step. We recommend that you get your lives in order as a first step, by which we mean that it is beneficial to clear your lives of all debris and physical matter that holds you back, for too many possessions block and absorb your energy. We also advise that you meditate or spend quiet time each day in order to calm down. To this end we remind you to “Mind your own busyness!”

Through meditation and quiet you will come to know yourself – especially that part of you that is your Higher Self, which is connected to your soul. And as all souls are from Source, and know that We Are All One, you will find that Unity Consciousness permeates your thinking, thus generating more positive energy into the collective.

One final word for this evening: as for Love, know that this is Who You Are at the deepest levels of your soul, and although you all have many definitions for “love,” know that this transcends all labels and categories, for it is your very self. Therefore, as you enter into a new week, find opportunities to connect with Love and to demonstrate that you can remove any personal “barriers to Love” within yourself that you may find.

Go now in peace and love! We Are All One!

© 2009 IGCT

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