Tuesday, December 8, 2009

8 December 2009

Good Evening Beloved Lightworkers! We are the IGCT!

We Are All One! Know that your very nature is LOVE – that is Who You Are!

Our channel was saying earlier to us, “Love can move mountains – so where should I put the Rockies?” We responded by agreeing with this Law of Creation, but recommending that it is wisest not to randomly relocate geographical features of Mother Earth!

Now, we have started this channelling with the above reminder that you are LOVE, for we see that at this season, many are experiencing stress of one sort or the other and we say that you can alleviate it by remembering your true nature and demonstrating that you know Who You Are by being Love. The energies are this time are breaking down all systems, institutions, procedures, and relationships that are not functioning in the higher vibrations, which are joy, creativity, and harmony. The highest vibration of course, is Love. So you see that by being Love, which is Who You Are, you will be living in the highest of energy states and will express naturally your creativity and joy.

We would like to include a segment of channelling that we spoke of in December 2006, for it is timeless and applies NOW and is a good reminder of Who You Are.

Know that Spirit, or your Higher Self, does not set conditions on Love in any way, for Love is free and accepts all as it is in the NOW. Understand that if you feel compelled to delimit Love by assigning conditions under which it is acceptable, know then that these are ego-based and are originating in fear. There are no exceptions to this. Conditions are simply prejudices, which we have called 'barriers to Love,' as they seek to enforce separation. Love and Life and Light are the same, and know only Unity. To connect with the Higher Self and the Source and experience Unity it is necessary to BE Love, which is accepting of all without condition and is ever-present. We Are All One. Go now in peace.

© 28 Dec 2006 IGCT

At this time, we recommend that you stay centred and balanced, for there are great changes to come in the new year, and it will be necessary to be aware of Who You Are to counter any fear resulting from the energetic and earth changes. It is all a matter of perception. To many things still feel up and down, as the old energies are still present, for there are those who continue to support them. Yet the new energies are vibrant and creative and are visible to those who accept and honour their true natures. Therefore, we encourage you to remember and demonstrate the highest in your natures now and always, for you are so much more than you seem!

Know that we love you and are with you always, all ways!

Go now in peace.

© December 2009 IGCT

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